viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2018

The end of the journey

1.      What comments can you make about your experience learning English at university?

After pass by pre-intermediate and intermediate classes, I think that English at the faculty is very good. The teachers are very self-efficacy people, with innovative and participative methodologies. I think that the level is the appropriate for the social sciences students. However, individually you’ll always need to work, learn or practice on your difficulties or in your individual interests or concerns.

2.      What about the use of blogs?

I think that the blog system is a good tool for the learning, because is a task that you do in the classes, so it doesn’t require extra time apart from classes. This thing is really a goldmine for an University subject, so it’s something very appreciated between students. Additionally, is a fair system because it evaluates a process, which allows you to get success if you are a regular and attendant student. Also, is good that you can use technology to do it, because is the way that nowadays students get access to the information

3.      What aspect of your English need to be improved and how do you plan to do this?

I think that you ever can be better or improving yourself in any thing at more time you practice this. In this way, I would like to do another English grade, or, if I couldn’t I simply still practicing this by singing, reading, etc. More specifically, I think that I still can improve a lot in contextual and daily expressions. With this I think that I can be more fluent with my English.

4.      Outside of your English class, how much are you using English these days? what for?

A lot, daily, to read something, listen to music, to investigate, to watch an international football matches, play videogames, etc. English is a universal language. Despite of the critics that this statement can have, in facts English is a common language and because of this is a powerful and useful tool that could open you a lot of doors and opportunities. I know that this maybe can sound like a beauty speech, but I’m talking about very general things or ideas, thinking about the impact of English in the entire world.

Thank u very much

viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2018

Psychology at Facso: improving or what

Well, to start, it’s important to say that the curriculum (and their subjects) of the Psychology study program here in Universidad de Chile are a very good one; at least comparatively.
In other universities we can see a default curriculum in which you only can choose your teacher and class, but not your subjects at all. So, in this competitive model, students with better marks choose their subjects first, which only increases the differences between students by their marks. I think that this is a very poor system and misunderstood of the purpose of the education.
So, in this university, we can choose what subjects we want to learn and when we want. There are a very heterogenic field of subjects to explore and discover, many of their waiting for people with good ideas to make a contribution.
Despite of this, we can see that sometimes some subjects has a lot of more workload than another subjects. I think that this is a problem of the teachers that need to realize that they aren’t the only subject in the university! Common people have at least 4-5 subjects by semester, so, teachers please be more considered.
Also, we can see an important introduce of the technology in the educative world. I think that this is great because as psychologists we need to learn how to use the digital knowledge. I think that as well you learnt this “by the force” during your study, program, at overall we can say that the different subjects prepare you to understand most of the digital databases and scientific research, which is a key skill that you need to learnt if you want to survive as a social scientist.

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