jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2016

My Bio

I was born in Santiago, Chile, at september 23th, 1996. I spent all my school days at Liceo Experimental Manuel de Salas, where I made very close friends, which group name is "Hechizos". I still belong to this group and we share ocupations, parties and sunday's football games. I also have very good friends in my neighbour. When I was in elementary school, I used to want to be an engineer, but then, in high school, I had a psychology class, in which I developed my liking of this career. After I finished the school, in 2015 I came to preuniversitario cepech to make the psu again. Now, I'm studying psychology at Universidad de Chile. I live with my dads and my younger sister, and my dogs Dama and Kurü.
In my free time I like listening to music, specially looking for some new artists and albums. I also like playing football and any other sport eventually, and I love biking, I use the bike almost all days of the year, either for travel, transporting or joy. I like watching series and movies too and finally, I enjoy hanging out with my friends.
Talking about traveling, for now, I just know Argentina and also I traveled to Rapa Nui. But, in the future, I really will like to travel to many countries as I can, specially to North London, England, for watching Arsenal games in the Emirates Stadium.