viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018


Resultado de imagen para instagram

My favorite social media is instagram. In the early 2010’s, Facebook was a great platform, but over the time it was widely overtaken by instagram. This new social media has a several new useful and very entertaining applications, allowing you to share a lot of content instantly. Now you know why Insta-gram name comes from.

However, this intact action all the time makes me sick. In fact, I used to check my instagram account every time I could in the day, either for seeing and sending memes, to see some news or simply to avoid boring or “die” moments in the day. Because of that, I decided to uninstall the social networks on my phone. I was tired of being full connected all the time, I was really needing a rest.

So, I start with facebook some months ago and now I don’t have instagram on my phone either. Despite that, I don’t close my accounts, because i really doesn’t pretend to do that, I can still have fun entering to my account one day, when I have time and I’m relaxed, but, for now, I prefer to concentrate on the important things of life, like sharing with my friends, family and spent my time studying or doing exercise and sports.

Resultado de imagen para trapped by social media

3 comentarios:

  1. this is a great decision because i've lost many time in the social network when i'm studying :c

  2. It's a good decision what you took. I sometimes get bored of doing activities on the cellphone. but I don´t know if I could eliminate social networks from my cellphone!

  3. I agree with you idea, I think humanity must learn to live with the social networks, it's difficult, meaybe a it's a challenge for people in this time
